Friday, August 18, 2023


NEP 20202 Abbreviations
ABC Academic Bank of Credit
AI Artificial Intelligence
AC Autonomous degree-granting College
AEC Adult Education Centre
API Application Programming Interface
AYUSH Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy

B.Ed. Bachelor of Education
BEO Block Education Officer
BITE Block Institute of Teacher Education
BoA Board of Assessment
BoG Board of Governors
BRC Block Resource Centre
B.Voc Bachelor of Vocational Education

CABE Central Advisory Board of Education
CBCS Choice Based Credit System
CBSE Central Board of Secondary Education
CIET Central Institute of Educational Technology
CMP Career Management and Progression
CoA Council of Architecture
CPD Continuous Professional Development
CRC Cluster Resource Centre
CWSN Children With Special Needs

DAE Department of Atomic Energy
DBT Department of Biotechnology
DEO District Education Officer
DIET District Institute of Education and Training
DIKSHA Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing
DSE Directorate of School Education
DST Department of Science and Technology

ECCE Early Childhood Care and Education
EEC Eminent Expert Committee

GCED Global Citizenship Education
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GEC General Education Council
GER Gross Enrolment Ratio
GFR General Financial Rule

HECI Higher Education Commission of India
HEGC Higher Education Grants Council
HEI Higher Education Institutions

ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICHR Indian Council of Historical Research
ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IDP Institutional Development Plan
IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University
IIM Indian Institute of Management
IIT Indian Institute of Technology
IITI Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation
ISL Indian Sign Language
ITI Industrial Training Institute

M.Ed. Master of Education
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
MERU Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities
MHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development
MoE Ministry of Education
MOOC Massive Open Online Course
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
M. Phil Master of Philosophy
MWCD Ministry of Women and Child Development

NAC National Accreditation Council
NAS National Achievement Survey
NCC National Cadet Corps
NCERT National Council of Educational Research and Training
NCF National Curriculum Framework
NCFSE National Curriculum Framework for School Education
NCFTE National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education
NCIVE National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education
NCPFECCE National Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education
NCTE National Council for Teacher Education
NCVET National Council for Vocational Education and Training
NETF National Educational Technology Forum
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NHEQF National Higher Education Qualifications Framework
NHERC National Higher Education Regulatory Council
NIOS National Institute of Open Schooling
NIT National Institute of Technology
NITI National Institution for Transforming India
NPE National Policy on Education
NPST National Professional Standards for Teachers
NRF National Research Foundation
NSQF National Skills Qualifications Framework
NSSO National Sample Survey Office
NTA National Testing Agency

OBC Other Backward Classes
ODL Open and Distance Learning

PARAKH Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic development
PCI Pharmacy Council of India
PFMS Public Financial Management System
Ph.D Doctor of Philosophy
PSSB Professional Standard Setting Body
PTR Pupil Teacher Ratio
R&I Research and Innovation
RCI Rehabilitation Council of India
RPWD Rights of Persons with Disabilities
SAS State Achievement Survey
SC Scheduled Caste(s)
SCDP School Complex/Cluster Development Plans
SCERT State Council of Educational Research and Training
SCF State Curricular Framework
SCMC School Complex Management Committee
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SDP School Development Plan
SEDG Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Group
SEZ Special Education Zone
SIOS State Institutes of Open Schooling
SMC School Management Committee
SQAAF School Quality Assessment and Accreditation Framework
SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
SSS Simple Standard Sanskrit

New Education Policy 2020

Multiple Choice Questions on NEP 2020

1. How many the fundamental principles mentioned in National Education Policy 2020?

a. 5

b. 11

c. 22

d. 20

Ans: A

2. National Education Policy 2020 replaced by a new pedagogical and curricular structure. What is the new curricular structure according to NEP 2020?

A. “3+4+4+5” model

B. “5+3+3+4” model

C. “4+3+3+5” model

D. “5+4+3+3” model

Ans: B

3. What is the age group covered in school education according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure?

A. 16-18

B. 3-18

C. 6-18

D. 5-18

Ans: B

4. What are the classes which cover at “Secondary “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure?

A. Class 6 to 9

B. Class 9 to 12

CClass 6 to 8

DClass 11 to 12

Ans: B

5. What are the classes which cover at “Middle “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure?

AClass 6 to 9

BClass 9 to 12

CClass 6 to 8

D. Class 11 to 12

Ans: C

6. What are the classes which cover at “Preparatory “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure?

AClass 6 to 9

BClass 3 to 5

CClass 6 to 8

DClass 1 to 2

Ans: B

7. What are the classes which cover at “Foundational “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure?

ACovers only (Class 1 & 2)

B. Covers only (Anganwadi/ pre-school/Balvatika)

CCovers (Anganwadi/ pre-school/Balvatika) and 2 years (Class 1 & 2)

D.Covers up to class 5

Ans: C

8. How much (percent %) of a child’s cumulative brain development occurs prior to the age of 6 according to NEP 2020?

AOver 85%

BOver 95%

COver 75%

7. Over 65%

Ans: A

9. NEP proposed that universal provisioning of quality early childhood development, care, and education must be achieved. What is timeline for this?

A. 2030

B. 2035

C. 2040

D. 2025

Ans: A

10. What is timeline to ensure that all students entering Grade 1 are school ready according to National Education Policy 2020?

A. 2035

B. 2040

C. 2025

D. 2030

Ans: D

11. Under the chairmanship of whom ‘Committee for Evolution of the New Education Policy’ submitted its report in May 2016?

A. Dr. K. Kasturirangan

B. Late Shri T.S.R. Subramanian

C. Vijay Kelkar.

D. Ashok Mehta.

Ans: B

12. The NEP 2020 replace the

ANational Education Policy (NEP), 1986

BNational Policy on Education, 1969

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of the Above

Ans : A

13. Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) renamed as

AMinistry of Human Development

BMinistry of Education

CMinistry of Higher Education

D. Ministry of Human Capital

Ans: B

14.The current 10+2 school curriculum to be replaced by a new

A. 5+3+3+4 curricular structure

B. 5+4+3+3 curricular structure

C. 5+2+2+4 curricular structure

D. 2+3+3+4 curricular structure 

Ans: A

15.Consider the following statement relating to new education policy committees

I.K Kasturirangan Committee

II. TSR Subramanian Committee

III. Vaghul Committee

IV . Urjit Patel Committee

Select Correct answer code given below

A. I and II Only

B. I, III, IV Only

C. I, II, III and IV

D. II and III Only

And: A

16.……. will be created as an apex body for fostering a strong research culture and building research capacity across higher education as per NEP 2020.

A. National Commission Foundation

B. Higher Commission Education

C. National Research Foundation

D. None of the above

Ans: C

17.As per the policy public investment in education will be increased from the current 4.3% to 

A. 4% of GDP

B. 7% of GDP

C. 6.6% of GDP

D. 6% of GDP

Ans: D

18. The new policy aims in the higher education to improve the Gross Enrollment Ratio from 26.3% to 50% by

A. 2030

B. 2035

C. 2025

D. 2040

Ans: B

19.Consider the following statement regarding the foundational pillars in NEP 2020

I. Accessibility

II. Affordability

III. Accountability

IV. Quality

V. Equity

VI. Access

Select Correct answer given code below

A. I, II, III, IV Only

B. I, II, III Only

C. I, II, III, IV, V

D. I, II, III, IV, V & VI Only

Ans: D

20. Which is not an educational committee ?

AAshok Mehta Committee

B. Dr. K. Kasturirangan Committee

C. D. S. Kothari Committee

DT. S. R. Subramaniam Committee

Ans: A

21.Consider the following statements regarding the National Research Foundation (NRF):

I. It is to be set-up as an autonomous body envisaged under the NEP 2020.

II. The NRF aims to fund researchers working across streams in India.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A. I Only

B. II Only

CBoth I and II

D. Neither I nor II

Ans: C

22. According to the National Education Policy 2020 by how much percent the Gross Enrollment Ratio in higher education to be raised?

A. 25%

B. 50%

C. 35%

D. 40%

Ans: B

23. The vocational education will start from

AClass 5th

BClass 6th

CClass 8th

DClass 7th.

Ans: B

24. NEP 2020 recommends that ‘Fund’ to build the nation’s capacity to provide equitable quality education for all girls as well as transgender students. What will be the name of the fund?

A. ‘Gender-Employment Fund’

B. ‘Gender-Inclusion Fund’ 

C. ‘Gender-Promotion Fund’

D. ‘Gender-Education Fund’

Ans: B

25. NEP 2020 stated to establish a national repository of high-quality resources on foundational literacy and numeracy on Government Digital Platform. What is the name of the Govt. Digital platform?





Ans : B

26. Consider the following statements regarding languages in NEP 2020 

i. It will promote ‘Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat’ initiative.

ii. Three language formula with greater flexibility.

iii. All Classical languages will be available in school as  options.

Select CORRECT code given below

i Only

ii Only

i, ii and iii 

i and ii Only

Ans: C

27. MERUs stand for

A. “Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities”.

BMultilingual Education and Research Universities.

C. “Multidisciplinary Education and Research undertaking”.

DMultistage Education and Research Universities.

And: A

28. How much percentage of the total GDP spends on the research and innovation in India at current time?

A. 0.69% of GDP.

B. 2.69 % Of GDP.

C. 3.25 % Of GDP.

D. 4.25 % Of GDP.

Ans: A

29. NEP 2020 proposed to set up a National Assessment Centre. What is the name of NAC?





Ans: B

30. What is the objective to National Assessment Centre, PARAKH?

Asetting question paper and organizing exams

Bsetting questions paper for board exam

C. setting norms, standards, and guidelines

D. setting question papers for UGC

Ans: C

31. Which government organizations will develop guidelines for the education of gifted children?





Ans: B

32. NEP 2020 proposed ‘Professional Standard Setting Body (PSSB)’ will develop common guiding set of principles for the teacher? What will be the name of organization?

AProfessional Standard Setting Body (PSSB)

B. General Education Council (GEC)

CNational Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST) 

DNational Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)

Ans: C

33. According to NEP 2020

i. Setting up of Gender Inclusion Fund for Female and Transgender students

ii. Setting up of Special Education Zones (SEZs) for large population from SEDGs(Socio-economically Disadvantaged Groups)

Which of the following statements is/are CORRECT ?

A. i Only

B. ii Only

C. Neither i nor ii

DBoth i & ii

Ans: D

34.New Policy aims for Universalization of Education from pre-school to secondary level with 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio in school by

A. 2023

B. 2030

C. 2025

D. 2035

And: B

35. What is the full form of ABC as per the NEP 2020?

AAcademic Basic Certificate.

B. Annual Basic Certificate.

CAnnual Bank of Credit.

DAcademic Bank of Credit.


Data Link control Flow and Error Control

 In data communication, Data Link Control (DLC) refers to the services and protocols that ensure reliable and efficient communication betwee...