Monday, May 22, 2023

Web Designing Important Questions DAVV Indore NEP 2020

Web Designing important topics
1) short note - internet, www, webserver webbrowser web page, URL, Domain Name

2) html introduction, any 5 basic tags5 <hn> <a> <b> <i> <u> <img><font>, lists <dl> <ol> <ul>, table tag<table> <th> <td> <tr>, frame tag <frameset> <frame>, form tag <input> <textarea> <submit> <reset>, xhtml dynamic website

3) <script>, <link> CSS Intro, <meta>, <span>, <div>, css  background cursor, css text, font style

4) css box model, css positioning 

5) java script introduction, operators, array, java script loops, java script functions, 
Popup boxes- prompt box etc, checking and validating fields of forms with java script.

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